InHarmony's top priority is to stay satisfied with your purchases. To achieve this we work with the largest and most reputable companies in the country and abroad. We choose the products we recommend very strictly to comply with all safety standards. All our products have a guarantee of good operation, the terms of which vary depending on the manufacturer, who will take care of any problems.
For the exact warranty period you will be informed by the description of each product that exists in our e-shop or by its packaging when it arrives in your hands.
Warranty Terms
The warranty covers the product according to the time period specified by the manufacturer. The guarantee is valid from the date of purchase of the product which is proved by the presentation of the receipt and the guarantee. The guarantee is not a guarantee of surface strength but the proper operation of its internal mechanism.
The guarantee does not apply in the following cases:
*Failure to provide proof of purchase.
*Damage to the material caused by carelessness or during transport.
*Due to improper placement.
*Conversions or repairs by unauthorized persons.
*Nickel plating due to unapproved cleaning methods (hard cleaners.).
In case you are not satisfied with a product of you have the right to return within 48 hours from the date of receipt. Returns are only accepted if the products have not been used and are in the same condition as you received them. If you return them by your own means to the physical store, you will not be charged any cost, otherwise you will be charged the cost of transporting the product by the transport service you choose.
Returns are not made on specialty products such as:
In all types of shading products
Returns to Roller Blinds as well as Metallic or Wood Blinds, Panels Blinds and Vertical Blinds are not accepted. Because all Shading Items are a special order for each customer depending on the dimensions, they can not be accepted.
That is why you must be very careful when measuring the dimensions, if you encounter a problem please do not hesitate to contact us. Metopes Metal and Wooden Metopes are non-refundable as they are made to your dimensions.
Curtain rods
Changes can not be made to Curtain Rods that have been painted in a special color upon request and have been cut to your dimension.
Returns are accepted on all other products.
You must check the products you ordered, within 48 hours of receiving them to determine that they are the products you ordered and are in good condition. Otherwise product returns are not accepted.